Library Exhibition 3

Indigenous Education

At Churchlands we are committed to reconciliation and providing each individual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student with the opportunities and support to reach their full potential. As part of this commitment the school has set up formal partnerships with two programs that allow students rich cultural, academic and individual learning experiences. As a whole school we provide the students with:

  • Celebrations of Indigenous culture and heritage
  • Cultural activities and camps
  • Enhanced career and education opportunities
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Lunch Clubs
  • Parent and Community Engagement
  • Peer mentoring
  • Quality teaching with continuing professional learning for teachers
  • Strong Pastoral Care
  • A dedicated Aboriginal Education Coordinator
  • Supportive school leadership

Partnerships and Programs

Follow the Dream and Creating the Dream

The Polly Farmer Foundation’s outreach program, Follow the Dream, caters for aspirational Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Years 7 to 12 by assisting students to follow their academic dreams and to further their education with an aim for university, TAFE, or apprenticeships. This program provides:

  • career counselling
  • cultural camps
  • excursions to universities
  • fully paid tutoring
  • individual learning plans
  • positive role models
  • TISC and scholarship assistance

Creating the Dream is for students who require more help with their literacy and numeracy, or perhaps have attendance issues that currently prevent them from accessing the Follow the Dream program. Students in Creating the Dream have the opportunity to move to Follow the Dream should their grades and attendance improve.

The individual tutoring for senior secondary students is complimented by a weekly group tutoring session every Monday after school from 3pm to 4.15pm. Both Follow the Dream and Creating the Dream students are eligible to attend group tutoring.

As well as academic assistance, tutoring sessions will also include sports, art and cultural activities.

School of Indigenous Studies, University of Western Australia

The School of Indigenous Studies (SIS) at The University of Western Australia has an established High School Outreach Program that caters for Indigenous students in Years 7 to 12, offering a range of activities from school and campus visits to holiday camps. The program aims to inform and encourage students to consider tertiary studies after high school. Key activities of the program include:

  • Year 12 Leadership Seminar
  • Year 11-12 WACE Revision Camp
  • Year 10 Science, Health & Engineering Camp
  • Year 9 Djinanginy
  • Year 8 Discovery Days

Coming Together

Coming Together

This artwork represents the six Noongar seasons, Birak, Bunuru, Djeran, Makuru, Djilba, and Kambarang. The symbols on the canvas represent the artists’ depictions of their families. The Wagyl, as creator, moves through each of the seasons showcasing its important place in Noongar culture.

The artwork was undertaken as part of a Reconciliation project in 2021. Initial aspects were created by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from Churchlands SHS, along with Aboriginal students from St Catherine's College at UWA. All Churchlands students and staff then had the opportunity to add to the artwork in NAIDOC Week 2021, making it a truly collaborative piece.

The artwork can be viewed in the school library.