2020 Cshs Junior Concert Sept 209


All students participate in a choir and a specialist ensemble, such as orchestra, band, or guitar ensemble. Piano players are the exception, as there is no specific ensemble for them.

Instrumental and choral ensembles at Churchlands Senior High School support students' musical development and provide support for school, public, and community events. These ensembles offer extension and performance opportunities appropriate to students' musical development.

Non-enrolled students may join a Churchlands ensemble in a supernumerary capacity at the Director of Music's discretion, typically for above-average students intending to enrol or to fill specific vacancies.

Students starting a new instrument join their ensemble when their teacher feels they are ready, typically during their first semester of learning.

Concert and Ensembles Information

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Choral Ensembles

Choral training is an integral part of music education. All music students must participate in a choir. Other students interested in joining a choir should approach the choir directors to arrange an audition.

  • The Dooverlackies (Year 7 students)
  • The Matildas Girls Choir SA (Year 8 and 9 girls)
  • The Larrikins Boys Choir 2-Part (Year 8 and 9 boys)
  • Year 10 Choir SATB
  • Year 11 and 12 Choir SATB

Colla Voce is a specialist vocal ensemble for voice students. Voice students participate in Colla Voce in addition to their compulsory year group choir.

  • Churchlands Chorale SATB that will split when required to form a TTBB choir and a SSAA choir.
Chamber Ensembles

These are formed from year to year according to student interest and available staff. They include chamber orchestras, string trios/quartets, and woodwind or brass quintets. For the purpose of continuity, the membership of a chamber group is often limited to students from the same year level.

Classical Guitars

The most capable students are placed in Fretwork One. The least advanced students start in the Strummers and move up to Fretwork Two once they have developed the necessary skills. Year 7 students typically start in the Strummers.

Concert Bands

For students learning brass, percussion, and woodwind instruments.

Tutti Winds (5): For Year 7 students and beginners, introducing wind band sound, aural and literacy skills, and performance etiquette. Suitable for students with foundational skills and limited ensemble experience. New instrumentalists join early in Term 2.

Wind Ensemble (4): For Year 7-8 and some Year 9 students, focusing on rehearsal processes and performance etiquette. Suitable for students beyond foundational skills. Repertoire is usually 'C' Grade.

Concert Band (3): Intermediate ensemble for Years 8-10, developing skills for senior ensembles. Balanced instrumentation with 'B' Grade repertoire.

Wind Orchestra (2): For Years 9-12, refining ensemble skills and etiquette. Repertoire is 'A' Grade, similar to senior ensembles in other schools.

Wind Symphony (1): For Years 10-12 with advanced skills, performing high-level repertoire of Premier Division standard.

Churchlands Marching Bands 1 & 2: Drawn from Wind Orchestra 1 & 2, rehearsing in Terms 4 and 1 for the state Anzac Day Commemorative Parade. Marching Band 1 wears uniforms provided by the RSL of WA.

Memorial Band: Small ensemble of top Year 9-10 students, performing at memorial services. Rehearses two or three times before each event, providing background music and accompanying hymns and anthems.

Jazz Big Bands

These bands are not compulsory but strongly encouraged and open to students learning saxophone, trumpet and trombone as well as rhythm section instruments which include piano, guitar, bass and drumkit. Vocalists also have the opportunity to front one of our big bands.

IMPORTANT – students DO NOT have to improvise but it is encouraged and supported by ensemble directors.

The bands are named after famous Jazz clubs in the world where, arguably, the best Jazz educations are received.

Ellingtons Big Band - Ellingtons is our beginner Jazz band that caters for Year 8 – 10 students interested in Jazz and other contemporary styles such as Latin, Funk and Rock. This band plays beginner music where solos are most often written on student’s parts should they be required to solo, and rhythm section parts are simplified and written out. Improvisation is always encouraged although not required and students develop playing with a swing feel and reading swing rhythms.

BlueNotes Big Band - BlueNotes is our intermediate Jazz band that caters typically for students in Years 9 – 11 who have previously played in Ellingtons. The music covers a range of styles giving students the chance to further develop their ensemble skills in a Big Band setting. Developing improvisers are encouraged to contribute solos and rhythm section players are required to interpret and improvise their parts in a stylistically appropriate manner.

Birdland Jazz Orchestra - Birdland is our senior Jazz Band and is mostly comprised of Year 10 – 12 students who are studying Jazz at school or are passionate about improvisation and Jazz music. Challenging repertoire in a range of styles, including Swing classics, are performed and, for some positions, will require accomplished improvisational skills. Students must be committed and enjoy being challenged whilst performing in a dynamic and engaged ensemble.


Tapestry Strings: An extension opportunity for motivated and capable Years 5 and 6 string students.

Tutti String Orchestra: For Year 7 and 8 string players needing an introduction to string orchestra or those not ready for Ripieno Strings. Focuses on basic ensemble skills, tuning, bowing consistency, and working with a conductor. Performance opportunities are at the conductor's discretion.

Ripieno Strings: For Year 7-9 string players with some ensemble experience, typically at a Grade 2 AMEB minimum standard. Develops fundamental rehearsal skills and performance etiquette, playing 'B' Division repertoire.

Sinfonia Strings: An intermediate ensemble for Years 9-11, refining ensemble skills and concert etiquette. Plays 'A' grade repertoire, similar to senior string ensembles in other schools.

Chamber Orchestra: For advanced string students in Years 10-12, offering extension opportunities in string orchestra performance and ensemble communication. Plays Premier Division standard repertoire.

Symphony Orchestra: A balanced group for advanced string, brass, woodwind, and percussion players, selected on merit. Plays Premier Division standard repertoire.

Rehearsal Guidelines
  • Students must follow the ensemble director's requirements.
  • Attendance at rehearsals is compulsory.
  • A note is required if a student cannot attend a rehearsal, and early notification is appreciated for prior appointments. Unexplained absences are considered truancy and may result in detention or loss of good standing.
  • Two unexplained absences in a semester may result in a parent-student interview with the Director of Music. For post-compulsory students, an unexplained absence is treated as truancy and may affect their Good Standing.
  • Frequent absences or lateness without prior notification may lead to removal from the ensemble or music program.
  • Students who attend insufficient rehearsals may be excluded from performances at the ensemble director's discretion.
Performance Guidelines
  • Attendance at performances is compulsory, as absences affect the entire ensemble.
  • Failure to attend may result in removal from the ensemble and/or music program.
  • Requests to miss a performance must be submitted to the ensemble director at least 2 rehearsals in advance.
  • Students must wear the appropriate performance uniform. Non-compliance with uniform guidelines may lead to exclusion from performances.
  • Students should be picked up no later than 20 minutes after rehearsals and concerts. The school is not obliged to supervise students beyond this time.

Over the years the School of Music has commissioned works for band and choir for special occasions or to have something "local" to take away with us overseas. It is our intention to continue this practice into the future. The works commissioned so far and the ensembles for which they were composed are listed below.

2022 Sweet Movement (for Birdland Jazz Orchestra) Chris Greive
2022 To the Greatest Heights (for the Symphony Orchestra) Jonathon Yang
2020 The Sun, She Wakes (for the Symphony Orchestra) Rebecca E Smith
2020 Glorified Dances a “Suite of Little Dances”(for Wind Orchestra) Matt Klohs
2019 Symphony No. 1 Leunig's Prayer Book (for Wind Orchestra 1) Jodie Blackshaw
2014 Moondyne Joe (for the Senior Choir) Mark Puddy
2011 Catalpa (for the Senior Choir) Iain Grandage
1994 On the Banks of the Condamine (for the Senior Choir) Iain Grandage
1993 Scherzo (for the symphonic Wind Ensemble) Ralph Hultgren