

Churchlands Library is an inviting and engaging flexible space for students to enjoy. The Teachers - Library provides support for the teaching and learning programmes to staff and students.

We select and evaluate materials for students, we assist students with the development of skills of collaborating, critical thinking, communicating and creating as well as manage the physical space of our great library.

Our Library is a community hub for our students.

The Library hours are:
Monday - 8.30am - 4pm with Home Work Club
Tuesday 8.30am - 3.30pm
Wednesday 8.30am - 3.30pm
Thursday 9am - 3.30pm
Friday 8.30am - 3.30pm

Senior students can access the library to study and read for both Break 1 and Break 2.

Break 1 – Year 9 and 10 students have priority for study and reading.

Break 2 – Year 7 and 8 students have priority for study and reading.

Friday Break 1 the Library is closed.

You can view our resources using our catalogue link as well as downloading eBooks from our eBook platform Wheelers on either the school webpage or SEQTA. For information on where to access these resources and links please see Library staff.


Library Initiatives

Reading Time

All Year 7 and 8 students have one period fortnightly, where they will be introduced to a range of skills, both ICT and literacy related as well as time to read. This program supports literacy and ICT aspects of the general capabilities within the Western Australian Curriculum.

Year 7 and 8 students will participate in a range of activities around reading including the West Australian Young Readers Book Awards ( WAYRBA) and the Premiers Reading Challenge. Remember to keep an eye on seqta notices and the school bytes for any exciting news.

Book Club

Our bookclub is open to all staff and students. We meet several times during each term on Friday Break 2.

Keep an eye on the notice board outside the library and in the school notices and Bytes for further information.

Home Work Club

The club for Term 1 is held in the library for all students on Monday. The hours are 3.00pm to 4.00 pm. The club will finish for the year Term 4 Week 6 or 7. Refer to the Churchlands Bytes for the latest information. The library is open until 4.00pm however.

This is a great opportunity for students to do their homework. It is important that students who attend have homework to complete.

All students in Years 7-10 will need to sign in and must stay for the whole session.


To support students and their families to stay safe online we have selected and developed a variety of resources. These can be found on our Library Management system by clicking here. Particular focus is on the ACARA General Capabilities of digital literacy, personal and social capability and ethical understandings.

Daily Loan Laptops

Year 7-12 students can borrow a laptop for a day loan from the library.