Churchlands 6610V

Student Wellbeing

Churchlands SHS is a Mentally Healthy School

Act Belong Commit

Since February 2017 Churchlands Senior High School have been a part of the Mentally Healthy Schools program to promote the Act-Belong-Commit ethos throughout our whole school community. At Churchlands Senior High School we believe that student and staff wellbeing are one of our biggest priorities, and that to work to the best of our ability, we need to keep mentally healthy.

Act-Belong-Commit is a mental health promotion campaign that encourages everyone to take action to protect and promote their own mental wellbeing.

Churchlands SHS Online Safety Hub


ySafe Cyber Safety Hub was developed by a team of cyber safety experts. This hub is designed to help school’s support parents with cyber safety resources, and encourage parents to take an active role in teaching their children about online safety. Filled with how-to’s and practical information, the hub is a meaningful resource for parents and schools to act as a central place for everyone’s cyber safety needs and questions.

If you are concerned about your child’s social media or online habits and searching for answers, you can access Churchlands SHS' very own safety portal here for a wide range of strategies to help you navigate through the complexities of the online world.


The Chaplains support the social, emotional, and non denominational spiritual well being of the school community whilst embodying the CSHS values of personal, social and environmental responsibility. Their primary focus is to ensure everyone is provided an opportunity to maximise their potential.

Our Chaplains offer confidential, non-judgmental and evidence based pastoral care programs with the intention of empowering every member of our community to be the best person they can be and to contribute to the wellbeing of self and others. They are trained in pastoral care, with ongoing professional learning opportunities provided to specialize in critical incidences, community members living in isolation and mental health initiatives.

Mr James Norris
Ms Natalie Fergusson

First Aid Officers

The school Medical Centre is open from 8.30 am till 3.30 pm. Students can walk in during recess and lunch. Students coming during class or between classes need a note in their diaries from their teacher. Students who injure themselves or become unwell will be sent to the Medical Centre where appropriate first aid will be given. Students should not contact parents if they are unwell. The correct procedure is to see the First Aid Officer first.

First Aid Officers
Ms Kylie Steele
Ms Carmel Cahill
Ms Caroline Read
Ms Lauren McDonald

If the First Aid Officer is not present, students who are sick or injured should go to Student Services.

If your child has a medical condition or requires a First Aid Officer to administer medication during the school day, please refer to the Department of Education's website for student health care and administration of medication forms. These forms need to be filled out every year.


Learning Support

The Learning Support team oversees learning of all students who have a diagnosed disability, or students who may require additional academic support. The Learning Support team aims to embed inclusive practices into all learning programs, enabling students to achieve to the best of their ability through providing an environment where all students feel safe and encouraged to learn.

Learning Support Team consists of:

Learning Support Coordinators
Years 7-9 Ms Kate Murray
Years 10-12 Ms Jane Price

Program Coordinator

Ms Claire Shoebridge

Teachers and EAs work closely in classrooms supporting students with diverse learning needs. Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and Learning Support Plans (LSPs) are put in place to support students with diagnosed learning difficulties. These plans include suggested teaching and learning adjustments and assessment concessions as recommended by the SCSA Equitable Assessment Guidelines.

Our philosophy is that students with a disability can access the curriculum on the same basis as their peers.

School Psychologists

The School Psychologists apply their psychological and educational expertise to support schools to meet the social, emotional, learning and behavioural needs of students. They work closely with the Student Services team, teachers, students, parents and interagency partners, to help schools make improvements that are good for all students. The psychological service includes counselling, assessment, consultation and intervention with individual students, groups and at the whole school level.

The School Psychologists offer brief solution focused interventions and longer term interventions require referral to an appropriate external agency. Parents and students can refer to the School Psychologists by contacting the House Coordinator to make an appointment. Please note that parent/guardian consent is required prior to direct psychological involvement for students in Years 7-10.

School Psychologists
Years 7 and 8: Ms Amanda Morton (off on Friday)
Years 9 and 10: Ms Abby Standish (off on Wednesday)
Years 11 and 12: Ms Alisha Madurun (off on Tuesdays)

Parents/guardians can also take their child to a doctor for a Mental Health Care Plan and referral to a Private Psychologist. List of local Youth Friendly doctors can be found here.

Youth Support Coordinator

Youth Support Coordinator provides support to students and families that have engagement and attendance concerns. (Please contact your child's House Coordinator or Head of Year firstly to initiate Katherine’s support.) As a Certified Youth Work Practitioner Katherine can provide holistic support for students from a strengths-based model. She has specialist knowledge of the Youth Sector and post school options and can broker external support for the student as well as transition plan for post school education, training or employment pathways. She works alongside the young person and can offer, informal counselling, advocacy, motivational interviewing, outreach, small group work, pathway planning and referral to external agency support.

Youth Support Coordinator
Katherine Mosele

Alongside the Aboriginal Education Coordinator Rochelle Coleman Katherine can also provide pastoral care support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and families.

Youth Support Officer - Mental Health

Youth Support Officer for Mental Health provides direct support to students with a undiagnosed and diagnosed mental health concern. (Please contact your child's House Coordinator or Head of Year firstly to initiate Teresa's support.) Where practicable Teresa will provide social emotional support to students to assist them to remain at school and to also stay engaged in class. When a student is unable to remain in class Teresa will also provide the student direct support through advocacy, small group work, informal counselling and brokering internal/ external support.

Youth Support Officer for Mental Health
Teresa Leone

Health and Wellbeing Important Resources

Document Name Type Size
Health and Wellbeing resources pdf0.79MB
Mental Health Services and Support pdf1.16MB