Naplan Banner


NAPLAN is an annual assessment for students in Years 7 and 9. It tests the types of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life. The tests cover skills in reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy. NAPLAN information for parents/carers can be found here.

Testing dates for Churchlands SHS - Wednesday 12 March to Monday 17 March

  • Year 7s will undertake the tests Period 1 and 2
  • Year 9s will undertake the tests Period 3 and 4

NAPLAN Technical Requirements

To ensure your child’s NAPLAN experience runs as smoothly as possible, please ensure the following:

To check if the NAPLAN locked down browser has been installed correctly, close all applications and double click to run the NAPLAN locked down browser. Select “DEVICE CHECK without login” to ensure your device can play a sound and see a picture. Once you have checked your device is functioning properly you may exit the NAPLAN locked down browser by clicking on the X at the bottom right hand side of the browser.

If you are having difficulties checking and installing the appropriate NAPLAN lockdown browser please have your child visit the ICT office (before school, Break 1, Break 2 or after school), so we can provide assistance.

Please contact the relevant Associate Principals if you have any questions:

Year 7 - Mrs Kate Grayson

Year 9 - Mr Allan Bertram

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