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The aim of the P&C is to increase community engagement and connection between parents and the school through opportunities to participate in a variety of activities and events.

P&C events are a great way to connect with other families, either through volunteering and working together on the event or through the social occasion itself. P&C meetings are a useful way to work together to help support the school, students and build a stronger community.

The P&C provides financial assistance to the school through contributions projects and initiatives, such as the support for the Youthcare pastoral programs, leadership initiatives, additional resources for the students including table tennis and outdoor chess sets, and many many others. Requests are made via an application process through the Finance committee during the year and discussed for final approval at P&C meetings.

If you would like more information please contact the President.

All members of the school community are welcome to attend P&C meetings. If you would like to become a voting member of the P&C please attend the P&C meeting where you can complete a membership form for the cost of $1 (set by the WA Council of Senior Schools).

Meetings are held on Monday nights in Weeks 3 and 8 of every term.


  • Term 1: 24 February (AGM); 24 March
  • Term 2: 19 May; 16 June
  • Term 3: 11 August; 8 September

Time: 7.30pm to 9.00pm Location: Conference Room (entrance via main administration building) or online via Microsoft Teams.

If you wish to join online please email the Secretary to receive the Teams invitation and please remember to download the App before the meeting.

Annual General Meeting

24 February – The CSHS P&C AGM is traditionally reporting back on the previous year by the Principal, President and Treasurer and opportunity to discuss the year ahead. It’s also where the voting in of the 2025 P&C positions occurs - President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, etc. See list of positions.

The first general meeting is 24 March.

Events The P&C runs several events during the year:

  • Welcome BBQ for all Year 7 students and their families – 20 February
  • Art@Churchlands Community Art Exhibition 23-25 May
  • Quiz Night in Term 2

New ideas are always welcome, particularly if you want to help make things happen.

You can follow the P&C Facebook for the latest news and events.


The P&C provides information and resources on matters that may help parents available from the WA Council of State School Organisations and other sources.

The P&C receives funding from various sources:

  • The voluntary levy included in annual school fees;
  • Fundraising activities and events
  • Income generated from operating the uniform shop.

Items of major expenditure over recent years, spent to benefit students & families of the school have been:

  • Providing ongoing pastoral care through the Youthcare Chaplaincy service
  • Supporting the expansion of the school e.g. school lockers, table tennis tables, seating, shade sails
  • Specialist guest speakers
  • New equipment for design & technology
  • Partially enclosing the Visual Arts wet area
  • Refurbishment of the main canteen
  • Insurance for all volunteer activities
  • Secured bike sheds
  • Funding of the new solar panel project with the School Foundation to provide scholarships for deserving students
Music Parents Committee

As a subcommittee of the P&C the Music Parents Committee work together to support teachers and the music program. To find out more visit the Music Community page.